The Proposal
It started with a star and her hydraulic sky.
Carrie Underwood shines on her own. She didn’t need fireworks to pull off a grand finale. That’s where we came in to curate elegance, style, realism. Her team challenged us to create lasers that scan over an audience sitting feet from the arena-style stage. Then, we were asked for waterfall of fog above her 15-foot lift. Last was the confetti, for a graceful rainbow effect. And we took on the relentless pursuit of success, striving for effortless execution.

The Process
With that, a pop of color set us in motion.
To create a spray of color with facet lasers, it was about safety, then scale. We filled the scope and made room for compromise to pull off slinging sharp streams of light into the crowd. But with an exposed stage, we had to cover up the mechanics behind the magic, and the waterfall called for fog blades and lift legs. After going back to the drawing board, we created custom programming to mount the effects to the deck. We tested the parameters of perfection. Pushed the envelope. Took the plunge to fashion a cloud so thick Carrie could walk on water.

The Production
Then, we engineered a 360-degree show.
When the power in Carrie’s voice overflowed the arena, all eyes locked on center stage to catch the lasers. Cascading confetti flooded the shadows. Bigger, bolder, brighter than anything she’d done before. With every moment, a new surge of emotion. And we didn’t stop until we defied conventions and created an illusion that set us above the rest. It was our artistic touch that added brilliance, our vigor that pushed us to produce another industry first and the transformation from paper to stage that made the show a shining success.