The Proposal
It started with a change.
An announcement for the history books called for a celebration of unity. When the Biden campaign asked us to light up the Delaware sky on November 7, 2020, we prepared for innovation and collaboration like we’d never done it before. Ten days, 200 drones, 500 feet from the President-Elect. But “no” isn’t in our vocabulary. It had to be modern, it had to be monumental – and it had to be ready on a moment’s notice.

The Process
With that, we rendered stripes on stars.
We mapped out precision choreography, synchronized GPS-guided drones to music and waded through authorizations for a once-in-a-lifetime show. It was hours on the phone, miles away from the site, without a rehearsal – all complying with restrictions from the U.S. Secret Service (no big deal). But behind our equipment, we had confidence. Trust. Fervor.
The Production
Then, America watched.
When we got the last-minute thumbs-up, our drones filled the country with light. Symbols of patriotism and pride in the sky were met with honks and cheers on the ground below. Millions mesmerized as they floated, sparkled and danced across TV screens. And then we did it again to commemorate January’s Inauguration. Groundbreaking speed, stunning pyrotechnics, unprecedented collaboration for a new nation.